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Message # 40571

Subject: Thumbs Up My summer project.

Date: Tue 23/06/09 07:50:58 GMT

Name: Anonymous uu



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Look for a swim date!


Some people at this forum seem to manage to get girls wet in the outfit they are just wearing that day. So I thought let's perform a test and let's figure out if this work when I do ask somebody who is just walking the street here.


My goal wasn't to get them wet at my shower at home, because I don't think that anybody would have done that. So I had to set a goal that was more obvious. There were some options I could go for:


- try to get somebody swimming at pool ( at party, or other event)

- go to a lake, river, and sea.


I have tested all of them. So I’ll just explain my whole story, hopefully you will like it. Although at least I do hope you are curious about the results.


It was a day in spring. It really was the first hot day. So I got to walk at a lake. Lot's of people were passing by, walking with their children, husbands, you know the story. I was really looking out for a girl walking at her own. To find a girl walking on here own was quite a hard job, I suppose that the society is preventing this in some way. So I had no other choice to just ask some groups of girls. First I saw a group of 3 girls walking by, I was a bit unsure how to get to them. So I just said Hi, but they kept walking. I just walked with them (what other choice did I have?) and I just introduced myself. The all laughed so I guessed that I already blew it. The three girls were dressed casually and were al wearing jeans and top. But they just introduced themselves, so that was already something I got. We talked for a while, and I saw the time to ask the question. Since I didn't know how to ask this it just asked "Are you going to swim today?". They looked briefly at each other and one of them answered. No because we haven't our swimsuits with us. I was already having a hard time now, because I didn't know how to react. Was this the perfect opportunity, or was this already lost. I didn't know. The good news was that they were not running away and just changed the subject. However we talked for a while and I thought about asking another question. "Have one of you ever swam in clothes?". They just stared at me for a while. “I have said something I shouldn't" I thought. But again, one of them started to talk and told me that she did once at a party. Unfortunately she didn't tell me more details about it, just as it was the most normal case in the world. They were no more options left that just say that it was hot and that I would like to swim. I also asked if there was someone who would like to join me. Just for fun? But that was the moment that we parted, and they just continued there walk at the lake. I watched them for a while from the bench, but I had no success it seemed.


I was already 4 pm now and I wanted to give it another try. At least I waited until the three girls were out of sight to continue my "research project".


I spoke with some girls, but it seemed that nobody was interested in chat for a while.


At last my eye fell on 2 girls (Vicky and Vanessa) walking close to the water. One of them in skirt, the other in jeans. As in the first part, I just introduced myself and we chatted for a while. Since the last time the story didn't end up like I would like it to be. I wanted to ask it a little more careful. So I just started with the fact that it was hot weather, and that the water looked nice ... ( you all know the story). And they I asked if they had already swam today? No, we haven't, we got here by accident. We got here because we could have a chat together. But to my luck one of the girls said: " I would be nice to have a swim, though". My heart was already beating. To bad that we haven't gotten our swimsuit on. I explained them that I had the same problem, but that I knew a place at the lake where I sometimes swim alone when I want to swim. "Nude?" the asked. I got some excuse that I was never all going in, that I just rolled up my pants and enjoyed the water, but that I once just wanted to swim and removed my t-shirt and got into the water with my jeans. They seemed to be not that impressed of the story. But they Vanessa just said to Vicky, we can just go there, cool a little down and continue our chat. I someway I really like this two and it was nice speaking to them. So I guided to the two the spot. I was lucky and there nobody there in a mile, Let's first explain what the 2 girls were wearing. Vicky was wearing a long black jeans skirt, with a white blouse and sandals. Vanessa was wearing blue jeans and yellow top and belt. She had one some kind of sport shoes. Vicky said that she was indeed very hot in her skirt. When I asked her why she was wearing such long skirt on such a hot day. She told me that her summer clothes were still at home, and that she was now staying at school for only 3 more days, she was just awaiting the results.  Vanessa was the first one to start roll up her jeans, got rid of her shoes and socks and got to the water. I joined her at the shallow water. The water was really refreshing at this windless day. We chatted while she was slowly going deeper into the water. I just followed her without any comment. When she was about calf deep she stopped and asked Vicky to come over. But Vicky couldn't lift her skirt that easy. So Vanessa helped her with lifting. So now part of her skirt was inside out, but for some reason it kept falling down, so she had to hold it. Some time later we were all knee deep into the water and continued talking. Vanessa wanted to test, although soe it seemed, how it felt to walk somewhat deeper into the water. When her rolled up jeans touched the water, she started splashing at me. I didn't splash back, but she splashed again. I splashed back and she run out of the water. So I run after her. And I threatened her with throwing her into the water. You don't dare, you don't dare she said. Vicky was out of the water already too now. She shouted, throw her in, throw her in.  Did I have another choice? I run after her, and grabbed her by her arm. To my amazing she stopped running, she willingly let me lift her. When I reached the water she started calling : " no, no, don't do this". But I slowly went deeper, until I was up to my waist into the water. She knew it was too late, and sat her very gently into the water. This made me having the time to see her jeans becoming wet slowly, part by part. Finally the water touched her butt. My panties she cried, but she was also standing waist deep into the water. Instead of getting out, she wanted to get me underwater and jumped up to my back. I could just grab her butt and feel he nice soaked jeans with my hands. This was an experience I have never felt before by a woman. So I kept on resisting and she kept on jumping on my to get me all wet. She started splashing and finally jumped from a distance. She got me down, we were both underwater, and wet head to toe. I was feeling so exited now that I hugged her. I let her loose immediately, but I didn't expect my own reaction. But she hugged me back. Then we splashed a little and got out. Vicky was looking carefully at Vanessa. And just said; " Each, but you are all wet". "Yes she answered and it feels nice, now it is your turn" she said smiling. She grabbed Vicky by the arms and tried to get her into the water. She resisted heavily. She asked me to help. I seeing my chance again, grabbed Vanessa around her middle and I could feel her belt and little of her top and jeans. "Not there she said" I ll let go immediately. But she said no, not that, just little higher. So I got her tummy and the feeling of her wet top. It didn't work out that well, Vicky was still resisting. But slowly she lost grip, and we took her into the water. Amazing it was when her blouse was all see-through now. I could clearly see her black bra underneath. "Ooooh, you can see my bra! She shouted. They both got out off the water, so as me. I was amazed, exited, by seeing both of them like this. I would like to go for another swim Vicky said. She unbuttoned her blouse, revealing the black bra, and got back into the water. I really like the shining jeans skirt on her body, it was just clinging in one way, and loose in another. When she walked it was really it she was caring lot's of water.  Vanessa was just following her into the water, and they both enjoying the swim. I really enjoyed watching this. They asked me to join them, so I did. I couldn't get enough of the wetness, neither them. But finally we chatted at the beach while drying in the sun. I got the phone number of Vanessa, ... more to tell later about her.



This was the first test, this was really asking for more, don't you think?


Since the forecast for the next week was promising good weather, I took  a day off and decided to go to the beach. When I was young I had been to the beach several times, since I lived quite close to it. I was already interested in wetlook and always walked the beach looking for some girls swimming clothed. This wasn't always a success, and you never knew that when you left a place, that this wasn't a mistake. I knew that everybody here has ever had the experience of thinking " no this isn't going to happen" and just left. Came back and saw the girls he wanted to see wet already playing into the water. Then for me this means that I missed the whole aspect I am just looking for.

Let's get back to the beach now. Since it was one of the days of the holiday with good weather, about half the country was moving to the coast, which causes the well-known traffic jams. So I went by the national roads and had the feeling that I was there before most of the people. Since I wanted to perform my test I needed to be sure that I went to place where they were enough young people. So I went to the most busy coast city. When I did arrive there, the beach was already crowded with people and I didn't see any chance to talk to girls / women. So I had no other choice than to go to a place less crowded. When I walked about 500m further it was already less crowded and it also seemed that people were younger. I thought at first that the best place to ask was close to the sea. I spoke to several girls there but they we all ignoring me, or accompanied with a boyfriend. When I walked along the beach it was hard to find some girls lying alone. Hope had already left me. So I decided to go for a drink, to try and find some other strategy. When I arrived at the bar and the waitress came to take my order, I had just left about about all hope. But once again I was proven wrong. The waitress that brought my order seemed to be at the end of her shift and she had some spare time to chat with me. We started to talk at first because her accent sounded familiar to me. Later it she told me that she was born in the same region as me. She had a break for about 2 hours now and she would love to have swim together with me. Never had things be that easy I thought. She also explained me that she had no swimsuit with her and that she liked to swim in her clothes. Sometimes she had to admit that she wasn't all dry in about 2 hours, but she just like the feeling of the wet clothing. I tried not to look different or amused, and just look in wonder. Do you want to go for a swim she asked me. Off course, I didn't need more than 1 second to answer that question. She just had to arrange all her things inside and will come back. I was already nervous and it really took a long time to get back. But then she came back and for the fist time I could see her whole outfit. She was wearing a bleu jeans with brown belt and a brown top. I could see the strips of her pink bra at her shoulders. She sat down at my table and we just talked for about half an hour. I thought already she had forgotten about the swim but I couldn't ask her about it yet. So I just asked when she starts to work again at the evening. She told me that she had another 1 hour 30 minutes break. And then suddenly she jumped out of her chair, and said "let's go swimming". My heart started beating as I had run for 2 hours. Was she really going to swim in that outfit? I just answered "ok". And we walked to the beach. We walked into the sand for about 10 minutes, because she didn't want too much people to see us swimming she explained along the way.


When finally arriving at "the spot". She removed her shoes, and socks, and asked me if I would like to follow her to the sea. She told me that she liked to swim every time the weather was fine. But today was special because she was wearing all new clothes today. She thought that it would be really exciting to swim in her new jeans. When arriving at the water, she took my hand and just tired me with her into the water. She walked pretty fast until the waves were about waist high. The she got some steps back and looked at her outfit. Every wave that touched her jeans was making it all dark and shiny again. I really couldn't help staring. Aren't we going any deeper I asked her? "No, not yet" she replied. I saw that she really enjoyed the water. So slowly she kneeled down and let the wave slowly touch the rest of her body. Until she sad down into the sea and just hopped upon the waves. I came and set next to her. We didn't say a lot, but sad there for about 15 minutes. Then she stood up and we slowly walked out of the water. She looked stunning all wet. When we were at some shallow water, the water was all warm. It was only about knee deep so we lied down into the water. I started to tire her around into the water. When I looked at my watch I saw that we were already gone for about an hour, so that meant that she only had half an hour to return. She grabbed her shoes and socks and we went away from the beach. It was almost 6 pm now and most of the people were already going home. We decided to walk back at the coastline. This should only take about 10 minutes maximum. When we almost arrived at the place where she worked. We had still 20 minutes before she had to work. When we arrived the place was still closed. So I said " Let's run into the water". Ok, why not she said and we just ran onto the beach up to the sea. She hadn't even removed her sort of skate shoes. When we came back out of the water she hugged me and said that she had a wonderful time. We walked back all dripping to the café she worked at.

In about 5 minutes her outfit didn't look all wet anymore, although she was still soaked all over her body. We said goodbye with a hug and a small kiss. We were going to meet again in the future, that's for sure.


When the cafe was open again and the first people were sitting outside enjoying their beers, coffees and pancakes, I could see her working in the same clothes as we swam in, only 20 minutes ago.


So I consider this one as lucky.


Still my job for today wasn't finished. Could I have more that day?


The evening was young it was only about 7 pm now and daytime still lasted till 10 pm. So I was wondering along the coastline, looking for some couples, groups who were showing some "potential" to swim in their clothes. I wasn't that eager anymore in finding something, because I was already happy about the successful day. Until about 9 pm there was no more to notice except some people walking in the surf. But unfortunately nobody got wet. I was about to return to my car when suddenly a group of youth came down to the beach. Yet there was no intentional for swimming, but it just somehow interested me and I just decided to sat onto the sand, about 10 m from the group. The group contained about 5 boys and 3 girls. Their exact age won't I ever know, but they were somewhere between 18 and 20 years old. One of the girls was wearing a tight grey jeans with a black belt, black top and a grey vest. The other one a light green top with a long white skirt, the last one a green top, somewhat darker than the other girls top and a blue jeans.

I didn't have any hope that one of the girls would end up in the sea. They were all just talking. Half an hour later, I lost all hope and was going to leave. It was already 09:45 pm now and the sun was low over the ocean. Suddenly some boys thought about swimming. Although this doesn't mean that one of the girls were going into the water, I decided to stay some more time. When the guys got out of the water, the girls where chatting together. Finally one of the boys started to dare the last girl to go into the water. With 3 others he took her and dragged her to the sea. She screamed and said no, no. When at the ocean, they only dropped her about kneedeep into the sea. She splashed the boys, but they got back to beach already. She also came out and looked at her wet jeans, which were only darker up to her knees. To my surprise she stayed close to the ocean why the other boys were already back to the place where they sat at the beach. One of the other girls got up and joined her. My heart was already  beating quite fast, you never know if something was going to happen now. The girl with the blue jeans waded little into the water, she didn't care about her jeans because they were already wet. It seems like she like the moving of the bottoms of the jeans dancing in the waves. The other girl stayed safely at the dry sand. Sometimes she ran a bit backwards when there was a bigger wave. Then suddenly 2 of the boys came to them. They walked just past them into the water. In some way you could see that she wanted to join them, she walked a little deeper into the water and started to splash the boys. They splashed back this time and all her back was already wet. So she even splashed some more and run out of the water. When she was out of the water, standing next to the other girl, she realized how wet she was. Her front was mostly still dry, but her back was soaked. I think that the girl in grey must have told her that she could even go for a swim now. So she felt the pockets of her jeans and removed a handkerchief and just ran into the water.  They sad together into the shallow water for a while, until all the other boys had joined them. By this time the last girl was next to the gray one. They were all together not that deep in the water it seemed to me. So the girl in the gray jeans decided to go there too. She tried to roll up her jeans but that wasn't that simple, so she could only get in some inches higher, so she forgot about the idea. Slowly she went deeper into the water. When she reached the people in the water, she was only about just above her knees into the water. That makes that the waves did reach just a little higher. It was dawn now, so I couldn't really see the change of the color. The girl already in the water just jumped straight up and took the other girls hand and they ran together into the water, until they finally both fell face forward into the water. The came back to their friends, all dripping wet, and enjoying their wetness. The gray girl took off her vest and went back to the beach to get it to the other stuff they left there. She passed almost next to me, so I could see her very properly. Her jeans was clinging even more to her body and turned from very light gray to dark gray. She dropped her vest into the sand and hesitated about removing her belt, but decided not to. She went back to the sea and tried to talk the girl in the white skirt into the water. She even pulled her arm, but she didn't want to go into the water. So she went all sitting with the other ones in the water. The girl still at the beach really felt left out. I saw that she really wanted to go in, because they were heaving fun in the water. So she started some splashing from the beach. This indicates to me that she wants to be wet. Finally there came some response from the other people, 3 boys ran to her. She ran away, but it was too late. She got thrown into the sea. Her skirt was like a second skin now, and she really felt sexy. She made some issue of it at first, but later on. She just had fun like everybody else. Several minutes later they came all out and stayed at the beach for while, until they left in group in direction of the city.


This was time to call this a day, this might have been the best day of my life.


I ll continue this experience during summer. I can keep you guys posted if anybody should be interested. Just let me know.


To be continued ???

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