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Message # 98652.1.1

Subject: None Its what I try

Date: Sun 17/03/24 21:27:20 GMT

Name: Wetlooker2 uu



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Leggings and polyestertshirt no problem, a week later I took a cotton shirt and no one care.

I know them they know me but no problem with that.



I active online searching pics and making my own AI and dreaming a little.....

Wish I was active but it will come.

In reply to Message (98652.1) None Not so active

By Muji - uu Sun 17/03/24 16:42:32 GMT


Iam not so active but it's hard to found places to swim with clothes but I swim with leggings, shorts with t-shirt when I wisit bath house they say nothing about that and I have see some people using t-shirt but I want to try with jeans or another things
In reply to Message (98652) None How active are you in to your wetlook stuff?

By Wetlooker2 - uu Sun 17/03/24 13:30:50 GMT


Im a active dreamer maybe and even search online for things, latest is, schools have a week of in Sweden and some indoor pools put up some activity´s.

They let people try some water rescue, let people take some swimming diploma´s and at some pools even swimming with clothes.

Now it can be from earlier years to and not only this year.

I know the Easter Holiday coming up soon and some have the same at that time.


At one place you can take a swimdiploma, try water rescue, try to swim and "take a bath with clothes".

Its just for one day but sounds like I can jump in clothed and have fun for maybe 8 hours......



5 Years ago they have a pool - or 2 where you can take swim diplomas - if you want the little harder ones to try,

take some clothes with you to try swim with clothes - good invitation.



At one place down south some years ago they had some swim lessons open for all the younger ones,

with some water rescue and even if they want they can try to  learn how to swim with clothes.

Would be a perfect activity for familys where even parents join.


And a pool down south have for the younger, try to fall in with clothes and lifejacket, but that city are at the coast and many spend summer close to the sea.


Great to see they have some little extra at school holidays, and everyone would join, can be good for all.

Hope to see more of this, maybe this summer. A outdoor pool had a invitation to try swimming with clothes one time at summertime.





I even check for vids and pictures I never see before and something new would pop up almost every day,

I took a clothed shower maybe 3-4 weeks ago and not so active, can be I go back to school 5 months from now,

see if they let me do some type of schoolwork about water, swimming and - wetlook....would be fun to deep dive in it.

And even be a little more openminded about it, maybe find some other students who like to think different,

never know, maybe some one them are swimmers who have try some clothed swimming and like i t.

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