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Message # 98158.

Subject: Info Re:How popular are stories about wetlook?

Date: Sat 03/02/24 18:54:23 GMT

Name: JMitik cz

Email: jmitik@seznam.cz


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I fully agree with you and that story was one of my real experience which start why I like girls with bags

in the water. I also enjoy when I make such videos with my friends and models :-D

In reply to Message (98158. Happy Re:How popular are stories about wetlook?

By Squishy Plushie - SquishyPlushie137@yahoo.com gb Sat 03/02/24 18:45:26 GMT

Website: https://deepdreamgenerator.com/u/3511223

Thank you for the stories. I particularly enjoyed the one about the girl listening to music on her walkman, putting it in her bag, and wading slowly in to the lake until the water totally covered her, ducking right under, then climbing out, water pouring out of her clothes as she smiled and waved to you. You were the inspiration for making the maths teacher (Aggy Bowman) force Janet and Julia to swim ten laps underwater in full uniform, including a satchel full of books. (Note to me: I must get another waterproof phone, so I can take pictures of myself underwater swimming in my kaftan and shoulder bag). I really love it when everything is totally drenched (including shoes), with no change of clothes, and no way to dry off, it makes you want to go in again (particularly if it starts raining). I particularly enjoy walking alongside the river, losing my footing, and falling in, going right under, and being swept along by the current. Luckily I know which places along the bank are easy to climb out of the river at in an emergency, and the shortest route home from there. Happy Peace Man Pulsing Dancing Band
In reply to Message (98158. Thumbs Up Re:How popular are stories about wetlook?

By JMitik - jmitik@seznam.cz cz Sat 03/02/24 17:48:06 GMT


I did it last year and I also like your stories there. Thank you that sometime in your stories are girls with full bags on ;-)
In reply to Message (98158. Happy Re:How popular are stories about wetlook?

By Squishy Plushie - SquishyPlushie137@yahoo.com gb Sat 03/02/24 17:32:23 GMT

Website: https://tinyurl.com/janetjulia

You're all welcome to write your own WAM stories on my Janet and Julia's Wet Forum -- they don't have to be about Janet or Julia or anyone else in the "Wanderland High" canon. You can use your own characters, or celebrities (with a slight change of name to avoid possible slander or copyright problems) -- put them in the "Your own fantasy stories" subforum for fiction, or "Non fiction" forum for real-life stories :) Maximum length 5000 characters (if greater then post a reply to the current page to work round Bravenet's software limits) Peace Man Wow Pulsing Dancing Happy
In reply to Message (98158.2.1.1) Info Re:How popular are stories about wetlook?

By JMitik - jmitik@seznam.cz cz Sat 03/02/24 13:50:19 GMT


Yes, you are right. AI could help this and I can do let AI write stories what I want, but not everything AI write.

Also pictures which I like I can generate, but real girls in videos are much better. Also stories from other writers which have also other ideas then me are better

and AI has mostly prohibited write erotic scenes

In reply to Message (98158.2.1) None Re:How popular are stories about wetlook?

By Wetlooker2 - se Sat 03/02/24 13:43:09 GMT


With internet today we can make our own stories, we can let a voice we like read it and we can even make books where pictures will be added.
In reply to Message (98158.2) Info Re:How popular are stories about wetlook?

By JMitik - jmitik@seznam.cz cz Sat 03/02/24 13:37:00 GMT


I like read stories and books, but because I to much like when fully clothed girls purposely bring to the water also their purses with all their content

inside, is very hard find something like that. Only a few German wetlook novels have this and also only too little other stories...

Videos have this scene also very extraordinarily

In reply to Message (98158) None How popular are stories about wetlook?

By Wetlooker2 - se Sat 03/02/24 09:41:06 GMT


Look at pics and vides are popular here, and share stories but listen to stories we make, thats pretty big today and not something really new?

I find some pages where I can turn a text in a story reading by a woman and like it.


How would you explan it?

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