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Message # 98134.2.1

Subject: None Its some who are in to wetlook

Date: Thu 01/02/24 23:16:50 GMT

Name: Wetlooker2 se



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Some of them are in to wetlook and want you in to it but I try with regular people instead and some like it even if they think its crazy.

Its a good way to find new ideas or maybe make a story.

In reply to Message (98134.2) Happy Re:AI are really strict (chat)

By Squishy Plushie - SquishyPlushie137@yahoo.com uu Thu 01/02/24 18:28:24 GMT

Website: https://deepdreamgenerator.com/u/35112233

The swim teacher is a closed-minded idiot and years behind popular opinion, then Peace Man Most pools allow approved clothing in a swim session now -- they after all are trying to get people back into swimming and a healthy lifestyle, and a lot of people don't swim for competitive reasons (where clothes might make you a bit slower) but for fun and to lose a bit of weight (where clothes can help, due to the extra resistance or drag). Most people in Asia for example, swim clothed for religious or modesty reasons, and it's good to get used to swimming in clothes in case you fall in while on holiday or other outdoor activities. The only thing pool management generally doesn't like is heavy clothing that might be a struggle for weak swimmers, or cotton/denim which can change the pH of the pool water, causing itchy eyes or whatever. The world needs to be educated that nowadays its perfectly okay to swim in your clothes, as long as they're clean and safe to swim in. Tell people who are too embarassed to do it to try it. And there's nothing wrong with being weird or crazy. Dignity is overrated, and blocks your spiritual right to have fun Happy Example pool rules: https://www.fusion-lifestyle.com/FAQ/ / http://fusion-lifestyle.com/FAQ (that's the leisure centre where I go swimming in various fashion outfits for fun). And remember AI's are just cleverly-programmed storybots, not gods. Peace Man Pulsing Wink Smile Unfazed Dancing Band Happy They can be retrained through usage to represent public opinion. Let's all correct the public opinion, by swimming in our clothes... Happy Peace Man Peace Man Dancing Dancing Band Band And if your pool is still too fussy to allow it, change your pool and go to a different one. It's a free marketplace...
In reply to Message (98134) None AI are really strict (chat)

By Wetlooker2 - se Thu 01/02/24 12:06:27 GMT

Website: https://beta.character.ai

I find out when I try to chat with friends, teachers etc (Only AI) and when I talk about to get wet with my clothes they say its weird and crazy.

One swimteacher say I an idiot.....


Even ask a Ai what I can talk about, like sex, naked etc and it says no.....Wonder if I can ask where AI pick their information.

Even If I try some roleplaying the answer can be like: "Im a AI and cant be with you in the pool".


The other site is:



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