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Message # 98032.

Subject: Links Re: 97912 was the Thorpe Park post [nt] [nt]

Date: Fri 26/01/24 21:52:21 GMT

Name: Squishy Plushie gb

Email: SquishyPlushie137@yahoo.com

Website: https://tinyurl.com/janetjulia

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In reply to Message (98032.1.1.1) Happy Re:Do someone try to go in a waterslide with clothes?

By Squishy Plushie - SquishyPlushie137@yahoo.com gb Fri 26/01/24 21:29:23 GMT

Website: https://tinyurl.com/janetjulia

Fusion's swimwear dress code is here: https://www.fusion-lifestyle.com/FAQ/ / http://fusion-lifestyle.com/FAQ , basically allowing almost anything except denim/cotton or shoes (I avoid the "long and flowing clothes" problem by the subtle use of velcroing the inside of my kaftan/umbrella dress to the top of my swim leggings, to stop it floating up underneath me, and regarding a colourful flared-sleeved hippie minidress as a "swimdress", lol. Wavelengths was a bit fussier, not allowing a wedding dress in a public swim session (in case it got tangled up with other swimmers), so we booked the entire pool and held a pool party. Thorpe Park changes its swimwear rules almost continually (see post below about a video of a girl in a blue dress swimming in the water park area), I used to go there with my friend Twillin (who also came to the Wavelengths pool party), and on the day I went down the flumes there were loadsa people also riding them, and I think they were so busy they just let everybody on dressed as they were (including the indian girl in the long saree). On another occasion Thorpe Park moaned at me for wearing a tie-dye teeshirt under the mushroom fountain, and lying down in the pool for Twillin to take a wet photo of me. So I now permanently avoid all Tussaud's (as they were) attractions now (including Alton Towers and the Millennium Wheel). They're too far away now anyway since I moved out of London. I've never been moaned at by the lifeguards at Fusion, in fact I often get a smile when they see what I'm wearing Happy Peace Man Pulsing Dancing Band
In reply to Message (98032.1.1) None Re:Do someone try to go in a waterslide with clothes?

By Wetlooker2 - se Fri 26/01/24 16:23:58 GMT


What aabout your local pool´s rules about clothes in the pool?
In reply to Message (98032.1) Happy Re:Do someone try to go in a waterslide with clothes?

By Squishy Plushie - SquishyPlushie137@yahoo.com gb Thu 25/01/24 21:35:09 GMT

Website: https://tinyurl.com/janetjulia

Yes, I've done that several times (including in a wedding dress at the 1999 Wavelengths (London) Millenium pool party, and at Thorpe Park in a red cable stitch sweater and black Nike trousers in the early 2000's), unfortunately my current local leisure centre (Fusion) doesn't have either a waterslide or a wave machine (swimming a wedding dress with the wave machine on is wonderful Bouncing ). My old school friend Janet once went down what she thought was a normal playground slide, wearing her best dress and shoes, only to discover halfway down (when it was too late to stop) that it was a water slide Pulsing Wink Smile Peace Man Dancing Happy
In reply to Message (98032) None Do someone try to go in a waterslide with clothes?

By Wetlooker2 - se Thu 25/01/24 19:54:53 GMT


What a adventure to go to the pool and jump in with clothes, but what about to go in the waterslide, with clothes on?

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