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Message # 97012.3

Subject: Happy Re:Can future generation get interest in Wetlook?

Date: Fri 22/09/23 10:34:23 GMT

Name: Squishy Plushie gb

Email: SquishyPlushie137@yahoo.com

Website: https://tinyurl.com/janetjulia

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As more and more people experience the delights of wet clothes (examples follow) and more and more people release their inhibitions (due to accepting things as they are, and not worrying what other humans think about their image of them), then more and more humans will proceed to get their clothes wet. Particularly since modern fashion materials like polyester, rayon, acrylic, viscose, etc. dry a lot quicker than the older materials like cotton and wool, and aren't damaged by being immersed in chlorinated water or whatever. Examples : many people at my local pool (Fusion) now swim in rashies and leggings, though as yet no-one else swims frequently in a kaftan or an umbrella dress like I do (though it may well catch on). Almost nobody at the beaches near me (Skegness and Cleethorpes) wears "proper swimwear" in the sea, most just go in as they are, particularly on a hot day when they spontaneously decide to go for a swim and maybe haven't brought any other outfits. I also read recently that schools require (and allow) lifesaving lessons where students must swim in their full uniforms (though they do have to change afterwards, presumably into PE or football kit). Theme parks (no names given for advertising reasons) build wetter and wetter rides, and fountain areas with closely-spaced jets emerging from the ground, where people of all ages run through and dance around in on a hot day. And nobody takes an umbrella when it rains anymore (though maybe an umbrella dress, lol). Wink Smile Peace Man Pulsing Happy Dancing
In reply to Message (97012) None Can future generation get interest in Wetlook?

By Wetlooker2 - uu Thu 21/09/23 17:47:14 GMT


I have a faint memory that an interest in wetlook is something that the next generation in the family also can get,

but also perhaps previous generations maybe had it to.



The word would not be inherit......

What do you think?

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