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Message # 96906.2.1.1

Subject: None Re:"I don't care, I'm going in"

Date: Wed 06/09/23 01:03:52 GMT

Name: Malvineous gb

Email: mrnemesis@ntlworld.com


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The part that confuses me … the idea of wetlook being a spectator sport.
In reply to Message (96906.2.1) None Re:"I don't care, I'm going in"

By Tobias - eu Tue 05/09/23 23:55:10 GMT


That's interesting. I generally thought wetlook shoots featuring shoes were a little unrealistic. However, I did see a great girl at the beach the other week soaking her jeans and top. She shouted for her friend to bring her trainers to her as she got out of the water. It was a sandy beach, so no pebbles of shells. She sat on the sand, put her shoes on and went straight back in the water to wash the sand off her jeans. Never seen this before.
In reply to Message (96906.2) None Re:"I don't care, I'm going in"

By messylaura - ex Tue 05/09/23 21:17:15 GMT


yep, its very common to see people wearing clothes in the sea on a very hot day, i have too and not for a wetlook reason but to stop the sun burning me

wetlook is a good bonus, i also wear ballerina type flat shoes too to stop the stones or shells cutting me

first time i wore shoes on the beach i thought i'd look weird but there were alot of people in some sort of flat shoe

In reply to Message (96906) Dancing "I don't care, I'm going in"

By Tobias - eu Tue 05/09/23 17:51:19 GMT


Summer has extended itself in the UK and other areas of Northern Europe, so a trip to the beach for an air show was welcome on Sunday.


It is estimated that well over 100,000 people were in attendance and I must have seen hundreds of fully clothed women playing happily in the sea at various times.


One stands out, in particular. A beautiful young woman in her 20s with a tanned complexion and long dark hair. Standing right next to me, I overheard her say "I don't care, I'm going in". I heard nothing of the conversation before or after. She wore a white vest top, green wide legged trousers and a black cotton shawl. She happily trotted into the sea, stopping regularly to take selfies and photos of the aeroplanes. Her friend followed, wearing a grey sports bra and lycra shorts. They continued to wade out until in shoulder deep water, still taking lots of photos. She must have been in the water for at least 20 minutes.


When she came out of the water, she was soaked and smiling. She continued to take photos - her clothing was clinging dramatically. It was obvious to see that she wore a white bra beneath her top and black panties.


A lovely sight to end the day. I hope she continues not to care about going in.

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