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Message # 94309.

Subject: Talking Lasso Group?

Date: Tue 04/04/23 16:29:52 GMT

Name: NCgreg231LC2 gy



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It might appear i have single-minded obsession, but i'd argue that i don't?  (i have to put my "job" first, and then i usually surf various u-tubes with my remaining free time) Nonetheless, i might be cajoled into pursuing OTHER productive objectives, if only suggested what those might be?  Such as the location of worthy souls - which is definitely based partly on luck, and partly on skill, and i would argue is subject to divine intervention, but that aspect eludes the demands for scientific proof that any worthy atheist would demand!


I can see Lexx series 1 episode 2 (and episode 4) so i am guessing episode 1 and 3 are both affected by "the Lasso Group" because when loading your included link, the error message is: This video contains content from Lasso Group, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds


But i have the option to link to the Hr Oldemyr home page, where numerous other titles are then displayed.  I attempted to watch PART of episode 2, but my limited free time is more interested with the events occuring in Ukraine, as well as "back home" for the most party...

In reply to Message (94309. None Re:Hr Oldemyr?

By Malvineous - mrnemesis@ntlworld.com gb Sun 02/04/23 12:09:45 GMT


It is unfortunate that I cannot harvest your single-minded obsession for other, more productive objectives. Notwithstanding the desire for someone with a soul, which appears to be mutually exclusive, but these days there is neither of these alternatives available.


So far as I recall, YouTube still displays the title of blocked videos, but maybe I am mis-remembering or maybe the policy varies by country or over time.


The video is the feature-length Lexx series 1 episode 1 “I Worship His Shadow”, and it functions fairly well as a standalone film.

In reply to Message (94309. Programs Hr Oldemyr?

By NCgreg231LC2 - gy Sun 02/04/23 08:48:12 GMT

Website: https://tinyurl.com/janetjulia



The link STILL doesn't * view * for me, but i was able to look at the page of Hr Oldemyr, and so far, i albe able to view any of the posted videos... So is this video "Ett folk, ett parti-" or one of the Lexx episodes?


It's possible i won't be able to view the surprise otherwise, although they do say delayed gratification indicates higher intelligence...

In reply to Message (94309. None Re:the difference!

By Malvineous - mrnemesis@ntlworld.com gb Sat 01/04/23 17:55:53 GMT


I am unclear why this matters so much to you … (Nothing else I do means anything, you just want to get your hands on this video for no reason I can determine.)


This is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvqnjEQljYs


If you want to spoil all the surprises by looking things up, I guess there is no reason for me to care.

In reply to Message (94309. Note the difference!

By NCgreg231LC2 - gy Sat 01/04/23 14:31:32 GMT


that one particular link that was posted earlier APPEARS to be blocked, but maybe it exists somewhere else?  Maybe it is posted somewhere else and THAT version is not blocked? Does wikipedia have an article that i would be able to read it?  (Like, i might be curious enough to see if i can find it on amazon?)


it was probably 1993 or 1992 when i got the bright idea that if i could figure out life, i could use that revelation for attaining happiness.  This has lead me on a surprising philosophical journey.  I didn't realize how expansive a full answer to such a question would be.  In fact, i probably will not internalize that full answer within this lifetime!  Well, at least, the full answer continues to trickle along as the days pass by!

In reply to Message (94309. None Re:surprise?

By Malvineous - mrnemesis@ntlworld.com gb Sat 01/04/23 10:03:57 GMT


There is too much silence, too much emptiness … nothing but talking to the void, to brick walls, to people who cannot comprehend a single word … The senselessness of it all is all too apparent.


What is the difference? The video is blocked in Poland anyway.

In reply to Message (94309. Question surprise?

By NCgreg231LC2 - gy Sat 01/04/23 09:31:19 GMT


How long shall i wait for the surprise to be revealed? (or are your intentions such that to never reveal the surprise?)
In reply to Message (94309. None Re:bizarre sci-fi?

By Malvineous - mrnemesis@ntlworld.com gb Thu 30/03/23 21:06:31 GMT


No doubt, but I have spoiled far, far too much of the surprise already, against my better judgement.
In reply to Message (94309.1.1.1) Question bizarre sci-fi?

By NCgreg231LC2 - gy Thu 30/03/23 11:45:43 GMT

Website: https://tinyurl.com/janetjulia

what is the name of that 90's sci-fi?  (i'm guessing i might be able to read about it on wikipedia?)
In reply to Message (94309.1.1) Hello Re:link added.

By Malvineous - mrnemesis@ntlworld.com gb Wed 29/03/23 20:25:35 GMT


Not me. That was someone else, possibly rookie — not 100% certain as that topic mysteriously disappeared. I mentioned a different video, one that apparently the Polish don’t care for. (Some entertainingly bizarre science fiction from the late 90s, where the uploader had added a brief intro with unidentified music. That video is not my “date film” per se—as I don’t believe in dating—but it would serve as a good litmus test for compatibility with a potential romantic partner and something in my dreams would make a good bonding scenario.)


My most recent comment here has joined the Languishing Club, but that is to be expected.

In reply to Message (94309.1) None link added.

By NCgreg231LC2 - gy Wed 29/03/23 10:47:32 GMT

Website: http://pub34.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=2840968934&frmid=10564&msgid=1206330&cmd=sho

Hey Squishy, i see you added the proper coding to make that other link "automatic" (not sure what the proper HTML terms would be???) and MAYBE i might get around to learning all the coding better (honestly - probably not...)



In reply to Message (94309) Warning! OT/FAO:maL

By NCgreg231LC2 - gy Wed 29/03/23 10:38:51 GMT

Website: https://tinyurl.com/janetjulia

Hey Mal, you had asked if anyone knew the source of music on the redokulous channel... and recent video they mention the name of the guy that composed that music... meh... click over to Squishy's forum, i will add a link over there...

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