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Message # 75623.

Subject: None Re:it's all about the numbers

Date: Mon 24/12/18 21:15:16 GMT

Name: Anonymous uu



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Thank you very much for taking the time to write all of this. I am learning a lot here; I truly believed you'd have a lot of Russian customers because like you said, on the production side of things, they're great.


Anyways, very interesting read.



In reply to Message (75623. None Re:it's all about the numbers

By MK - wamtec@comcast.net gb Mon 24/12/18 20:40:02 GMT


>, I'm interested in knowing what percentage of Wetlook "fans" are Canadian...


I can't speak for other Wetlook Producers or Nigel and Derek (the 2 forum traffic managers), I can only give you a rough idea based on the last 27 years of people I have met via my websites.  That customer data shows me that aside from 80% coming from the UK, Germany and USA......15% of the the other 20% mostly come from Northern EU countries. A smaller  group consists of Australians and Canadians at around 2% each and folks from Eastern Europe.


The 2 biggest unknown data countries where there is definitely a large presence of wetlook fetish fans is Japan and Russia. Japan has a very large base of wetlook fetish fans, but is hard to quantity because Japan still remains a totally insular country where Japanese wetlook fans will ONLY support wetlook websites which feature Japanese/Korean/Chinese models only and the Japanese wetlook fans are definitely not interested in western looking women. Therefore Japanese wetlook fans (and there are many) will only support sites made in the Japanese language and featuire Japanese girls. While some western male wetlook fans are also interested in Japanese wetlook, none of the Japanese producers are fluent in English so they do not have easy to navigate websites in English. I know Kenji, the producer of the largest Japanese wetlook site Gagon.com and his website traffic according to Alexa is almost as great as Mostwam and Eurowam is, so he has thousands of customers, yet he cannot cater to non Japanese fans because he speaks little Englsh and his website is harder to understand than IRS Tax Return instructions. I did several media exchange deals with Kenji where we swapped Gagon wetlook videos for Wamtec webtlook videos, to see how they would sell to our respective bases of customers. The results were conclusive...i.e. hardly any of his many Japanese customers were interested in buying my western models wetlook media on his site, and vice versa, very few of my wamtec customers were interested in the Japanese wetlook videos I placed on my site. So -- Japan remains a totally insular country.....and because of Gagon's traffic ranking on Alexa, this shows that there must be at least 10,000 wetlook fans living in Japan.


Russia is another country where I have no viable data for....yet we know there must be a few thousand wetlook fans living there. You have 2 major wetlook producers in Russia (Wetlooker and WAMINSTYLE) who both have high traffic rankings according to Alexa.com but I suspect that if you asked Wetlooker and Waminstyle where their customers come from, they will say that at least 90% of their customers are NON Russians. My experience with Russians are that Russia is a great resource for hiring models and cameraman and candid events (I hire cameramen from Moscow myself) but NOT for wetlook customers. I have never had a Russian customer ever contact me and order something from one of my sites in the last 20 years. That is not to say that Russian wetlook fans do not exist....because they do.....I just never see any of them on my websites. You have to understand that according to most economic data websites the average monthly income of a Russian is $290 - $400 per month (which is 10 times less than the average monthly income in Japan, which is $3000 per month....or the UK which is $4000 per month). Therefore Russians have no disposable income they can spend on entertainment frivolities like wetlook.  However, since Youtube was created in 2005 and the Russian copycat site VK.COM was set up in 2006 and is now run by a Putin puppet now video piracy has become the most popular hobby among Russian wetlook fans.....because you can find thousands of stolen wetlook videos on the VK.com site these days.  Russians are a sizeable wetlook community, but they will never support the wetlook producers, they just pirate their videos.


Russia and Japan have totally different wetlook fans......the Japanese wetlook fans are affluent but will only support sites written In Japanese where the girls are all Japanese. Russia is a great resource to hire models and cameramen and to produce wetlook media.....but most Russians will never buy anything because they live below the poverty line so they are not able to support the wetlook producers, so their hibby is to plunder and pillage whatever they can find.



In reply to Message (75623. None Re:it's all about the numbers

By Anonymous - uu Mon 24/12/18 18:58:21 GMT


Thank you again MK for such a complete response. I truly appreciate your dedication to Wetlook and the information you are sharing with me and the forum. You've travelled to 95 countries... Wow! That is quite amazing to say the least. I believe the fact that clothed swimming is such a "common" or "normal" behaviour in the countries you named probably has a lot to do with the reason why Wetlook isn't particularly a fetish over there. Could be many other factors of course, but that's what I can gather from what you're telling me.


Anyway, out of curiosity, I'm interested in knowing what percentage of Wetlook "fans" are Canadian... as I am Canadian myself.


Thank you and Merry Christmas / Happy holidays!



In reply to Message (75623. Info Re:it's all about the numbers

By MK - wamtec@comcast.net gb Mon 24/12/18 17:38:00 GMT


> perhaps you haven't thought about all the Wetlook lovers who don't have access to the internet... in fact, about 45% of the world population does not have access to the internet (as of June 2018).

> So, perhaps that means another 30,000 maybe?... Who knows!


Well.....I have traveled to over 95 countries and lived all over the world. I have always researched the wetlook culture whenever I was traveling overseas, so I think I have experienced wetlook situations and customs first hand in most countries. I am pretty sure that those people who do not have access to the internet in 2018 are people who have far higher priorities than wetlook....i.e. they are searching for food and to get their next meal.


In most places around the world wetlook is not a fetish but is an oblivious way of life......e.g. in many Asian and Muslim nations wetlook exists but is not a fetish because it is merely a modesty factor in that they wear clothes because they do not wish to expose their bodies and would never wear a bikini. I have been to Songkran in Thailand over 20 times, and there are millions of wet people at the water festival and NONE of then are cognizant of wet clothing or interested in wetllook.....except for a handfuil of Brits and Germans I see there who go there to watch the show.


This thesis is supported by the fact that over 60% of the world population are people from India, China, Asian and Muslim Nations......so you would expect to see 60% of wetlook fans to come from those nations.....yet in reality the number of wetlook fans from those nations is less than 0.01% of wetlook fans.


Conversely we know for a fact (thru 25 years of historical forum stats and producer stats) that 80% of all known wetlook fans come from 3 countries only....The UK, Germany and USA.   Those 3 countries have populations that represent only 8% of the world population, yet those 8% account for 80% of wetlook fans.


Wetlook is clearly a hobby for highly developed nations....people who have good jobs and spendable income and the time to indulge themselves in hobbies and the pursuit of entertainment. People from 3rd world countries (sorry, the politically correct term is:"developing nations")  do not have have spendable income and their priorities are just to make it thru each month.


One thing is for sure, there are at least 100 times more people in the world who are interested in terrorism than are interested in wetlook....because the TSA  has a "no fly list"  that currently has 2.5 million people in their database who are considered potential terrorists.....and I can assure you that most people who are on that "no fly list" have smart phones and use the internet.







In reply to Message (75623. None Re:it's all about the numbers

By Anonymous - uu Mon 24/12/18 06:34:06 GMT


Thanks for the response, MK, interesting statistics you're providing here. I've been quite curious about the numbers for some time now. I've only been seriously into Wetlook (ie purchasing content and constantly browsing the internet for stuff) for 3-4 years or so now, and I really thought we were a larger community. I mean, there is SO much Wetlook content to find on the Web. Never thought "balloon popping" or "hairy armpit" (Wtf haha) were more popular than wetlook... but alright!


Anyways, as a Wetlook consumer and not a producer, it's cool to hear about your perspective and I really wish I had found this forum sooner (I've only been active on it for about half a year now, mostly referring to myself as "anonymous". Anyways, thank you for enlightening me on the subject.


But of course, as I do love to always challenge others... perhaps you haven't thought about all the Wetlook lovers who don't have access to the internet... in fact, about 45% of the world population does not have access to the internet (as of June 2018). So, perhaps that means another 30,000 maybe?... Who knows!


Just a thought ;)




In reply to Message (75623. Info Re:it's all about the numbers

By MK - wamtec@comcast.net gb Sun 23/12/18 20:42:27 GMT


>I'm 100% certain there are MUCH more wetlook fans than 35,000 worldwide


Where do you get your certainty from. Here are some of the data sources I consider


- number of unique daily visitors to this forum = 2000-3000

- number of vistiors to the alternate UMD forums (which are 80% messy fans and only 20% are wetlook fans) = 4000 per day

- 95% of all wetlook fetish fans will visit either this forum or UMD or both, but that is still way less than 5000 people

- OK, most mainstream Wetlook fans will go to the number one source for free videos, i.e. Youtube, therefore ..... look at the biggest wetlook producers and best Youtube channels for wetlook...i.e.

- since Youtube was founded in 2005, no wetlook producer or wetlook channel has ever reached even 13,000 followers

- the only wetlook youtube channel to ever exceed 10,000 followers in the last 10 years was Mostwam, which reached 12,000 followers (before the buggers at Youtube shut it down and banned Mostwam for being too weird)

- All remaining active wetlook channels on Youtube have way less than 10,000 followers: WaminStyle have 7K., Wam Photography have 6K, Wetlooker have 3K in followers.


I wish there were as many wetlook fans as you think there are.....because after 27 years as a wetlook producer my customer contacts database has only reached 7000 people. If wetlook were as popular as "balloon popping" or "hairy armpit" videos then I would be typing this messages while sipping martinis  at my beachfront mansion in Hawaii where I would have retired to.....instead of typing this from my rocking chair in a retirement village in Florida.


One thing is for sure....if there were more than 35,000 wetlook fans then Leon and Flaviu would not be driving their Range Rover and Audi....they would be driving a Ferrari and Lamborghini instead.


In reply to Message (75623. None Re:it's all about the numbers

By Anonymous - uu Sun 23/12/18 18:14:20 GMT


Not sure where you get those numbers... I'm 100% certain there are MUCH more wetlook fans than 35,000 worldwide :) For instance, I can guarantee you many people enjoy the sight of Wetlook but keep it as lowkey as possible because it is indeed a "fetish", which is "weird" from the perspective of those who don't have the fetish, just like it's the case with all other fetishes out there.


As for the video, I think it's hilarious. Sure he is mocking the community, but his reactions made me chuckle. And when you think about it, we would probably all have a similar reaction if we were to watch videos of a fetish that is new to us, and that we consider "strange".


So don't be offended, folks, just move along :)



In reply to Message (75623. Sad it's all about the numbers

By MK - wamtec@comcast.net gb Sun 23/12/18 16:50:08 GMT


It's all about the numbers.....i.e. what is the difference between being mocked, and gaining respect and admiration = the answer is 4.9995 %


The world has 7 billion people and there are approx 35,000 wetlook fans in the world = 0.0005 % of the the world population.


According to most statististics approx 5% of the population are are LGBTQ.


Substitute the  topic of this guy's video rant from wetlook to gay......if anybody were to post such a rant mocking the gay community it would be classified as homophobic and the video would be taken down very quickly. When you are in a tiny tiny minority sexual interest group you get mocked.....when you are in a MAJOR sexual interest community you get your own dedicated tv channels, you get praised by Hollywood, and you get conventions and parades down main street....and you get to  proudly boast of your sexual inclinations as the CEO of Apple.


Looking at this kid who made the video.....he looks like a geek who plays computer games in his basement all day long, does not work, and still lives with his parents......what a hunk...this Adonis he will probably still be living with his parents when he is 45. The irony is that I bet he is a Star Wars or Star Trek fan....and I bet he would not post a video mocking Trekkies and Star Wars fans.


All of the videos in his channel only have a few hundreds views only, despite being online for up to a year.....so for a person who fancies himself as a Vlogger....where Youtiube only pays $7 per 1000 views if you monetize your Vlog;  you have to feel sorry for the guy when he is not evening making enough money to pay for his acne cream.



In reply to Message (75623. None Re:What can be weirder than posting a video of yourself watching videos

By Anonymous - uu Sun 23/12/18 13:45:51 GMT


i just dont like how he was like putting our community down.  maybe something good may come of it? probably not. im surprised  that no one has voiced their opinion in the comments on that page.
In reply to Message (75623. Confused What can be weirder than posting a video of yourself watching videos

By jollywetfellow - sx Sun 23/12/18 13:27:59 GMT


And videos you don't like, at that!    Oh, actually, watching a video of somebody watching videos is even weirder.   We're all weird in our own way, CasualGuy, and you and your viewers are amongst the weirdest!


In reply to Message (75623.2.1.1) Talking Re:Youtuber making fun of wetlook

By Anonymous - uu Sun 23/12/18 12:22:00 GMT


oh, what i forgot to say is how he pulls up some videos like from wetlooker, , wetsneaker 88, and al g's wetlook videos. and he just laughs at them saying different derogatory statements.
In reply to Message (75623.2.1) Read This Re:Youtuber making fun of wetlook

By Anonymous - uu Sun 23/12/18 11:43:58 GMT


what gets ne is how he laughs at it, saying how wierd it is and so on. i know people talk about us when they see on of us going into the water with everything on. its normal to see, for me anyways. i know its frredom of speech, in the us that is,  but to me the way he goes about it like saying bad things about your country, thats the feelings i get. he is shaming us. maybe im just too sensitive?  i just wish he didnt put the video up for all to see. next time i go walking into the lake, im just wondering if anyone around me has watched this video, and is laughing lik he was?
In reply to Message (75623.2) None Re:Youtuber making fun of wetlook

By Dima - dima@wetlooker.com ru Sun 23/12/18 11:13:26 GMT


It's nice.

The more such videos are published, the more people will realize that they are not alone on this Earth.

In reply to Message (75623) Exclamation Youtuber making fun of wetlook

By Anonymous - uu Sun 23/12/18 03:25:58 GMT

Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIH4-4FbpwQ

i dont know if anyone has see this, but it kindda offended me, check it out and see what y'all think.



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