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Message # 71919.7.1

Subject: Sad Re:Dima of Wetlooker

Date: Wed 22/11/17 21:02:40 GMT

Name: true wetlooker uu



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Mark STOP fucking around if you don't like the stuff , just don't look at it,





95 % is accepting the great work of Dima at it is !!!!


Mark you are alone in this !


Without Dima , this forum is as good as DEAD, because virtualy no other producer can come  close to their work !!!!!!!

Sad Angry Exclamation Read This


Mark if you don't like it you are not a real wetlook-fan, you should be baned from this forum, just stop fucking around  with your idiotic comment

In reply to Message (71919.7) Read This Re:Dima of Wetlooker

By Mark - be Wed 22/11/17 19:56:11 GMT


In these days, nobody is realy interested in pictures anymore.

As you can read from all people in this forum,

fire these hobby filmers working for you and find wetlook phtographers doing the job.

When you are not able to solve your internal problems, you should stop selling your stuff.

In reply to Message (71919) Read This Dima of Wetlooker

By Concerned Customer - uu Tue 21/11/17 13:19:25 GMT


A while back, almost a year ago, I had mentioned a concern about the difference between photo quality and video quality. Will video quality ever improve? I have uploaded two photos and two screenshots from two different sets, not to sell or distribute, but to show just how much of a difference there is between a photo and a video from your site.




The photo quality is superb. I couldn't ask for better. However, I purchase your sets, as well as sets from other sites, for their videos. Should they come with photos or not is of no concern to me. The video is what matters, and I'm sure maybe a handful of people on this forum can agree. As I said, the photos are fine, but with your sets, I open the first photo and tab through to the end, which is the video. I get so ramped up to see the jeans get wet and the soapy water flowing, then I'm hit with a video that looks like it was uploaded to YouTube 10 years ago.


I love your work and the pace at which you upload new content, but the videos really do need work. You're great, but I want you to be even better. I mean no disrespect with my criticism.

Report Abuse or Problem to Nigel at Minxmovies
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