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Message # 66662

Subject: Read This Mrs. CC wet again in a field in tight pink jeans & blouse - WSM html

Date: Tue 23/02/16 07:36:04 GMT

Name: WSM Productions gb

Email: webmaster@wsmproductions.co.uk

Website: http://wsmproductions.co.uk/updates/

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This week a new 29 min movie with Asian lady Jade in Cooking Oil

Memberships extending for up to 6 months are available for the Website.

We also have a UMD STORE and transfer MOVIES and IMAGES weekly

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and XXX section with 38 MOVIES with Images Downloads, only available as Downloads

Another great outdoor set of images from Mrs. CC.
But all these Images have all been Enhanced to Full Screen shots!
We revisit wet image set W318 with 97 shots and all this action is outdoors.
But, how come Mrs. CC ended up soaked and eventually stripped to nude?
Once again, Mrs. CC takes up the tale:
“Let us go for a country walk I pleaded to Mr. CC on a warm summers day in 2009.
Mr. CC was easily persuaded as winking at him I paraded in my tight pink jeans and full knickers and a filmy white blouse.
After a pleasant enough stroll, I led Mr. CC to a quiet country lane and into a field.
I had come prepared with a backpack laden with water bottles.
‘I need to cool down Mr. CC’ I purred.
Mr. CC was bemused but knew exactly where this was going.
The water soaked my white blouse exposing my erect nipples.
It ran down over my tight jeans and into my knickers!
‘Mmmm! This is what I really want!’
‘Pour it over me!’ I shrieked.
More and more water doused over my clothes saturating my outfit and underwear.
The sight of my wet, clinging clothes soon proved too much for Mr. CC, especially as he espied my taut sheer knickers.
Pulling my jeans down, he pumped his rock hard cock over my bum, exploding his hot sticky cum everywhere!
This triggered me off as I reached down to play with myself through my panties, soaking them more and more as my orgasm reached its height!
Walking back in my soaked outfit did cause some raised eyebrows from passers-by, as we began to plan our next wet/messy adventure”.
Custard Couple always seem to be looking for an opportunity.
That is why they have so many wet and messy adventures.
We show you 5 Enhanced sample shots (now full screen) from image set W318.
Seeing sample shots 4 and 5, it is no wonder that Mr. CC lost control!

We continue to take SUBSCRIPTION payments in £Sterling, US dollars and Euros, for membership of the WSM Website.
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PLUS 37,986 Images in 385 sets.
But if you want to see all these Movies and Image sets, then you need to take a Subscription to become a Member.
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Report Abuse or Problem to Nigel at Minxmovies
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Minx Movies - M12 - Dressed in Wet is now in the Download Store
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Minx Movies - M15 - Wet Me Now is now in the Download Store
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Minx Movies - M14 - Get Wet With Me is now in the Download Store
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Minx Movies - M8 - Mask Of Wetness is now in the Download Store
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