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Message # 48768

Subject: Question Guys and girls together

Date: Sat 22/01/11 14:26:29 GMT

Name: Sopping us

Email: katakai1@verizon.net


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I was originally going to title this submission "Where are the guys"' But that would have brought up the wrong theme. I am a straight, hertosexual male who has no interest in "Guy" or "Boy" websites. But I snjoy photos of girls, clothed, of course, being carried into lakes, surg, and even pools by clothed, and eagerly participating guys,  I  have done that myself, and fact while urging a wading companion to "wade just alittle deepeer, honey" can end up in squeals associated with "gradually getting wet," and sometimes a delightful hug/kiss when she reaches waist-deep. It can  be sort of like a climas, while wading - - I am not kidding.


My own most recent wetlook experiences have involved a (perhaps willing but not sure) girl usually in white or tan pants or cutoffs, or even (once at a party) in a dreess, responding to a "lets go wading" invitite.


This would be a typical scenario. I was usually wearing khakis. She would gradually wade out with me, as the waterlime rose on my pants until her first  wetlook "waterline" was encountered at her cuffs or hem. Encouraged by my personal "waterline" she would hesitatingly get her hems wet. "'You don't mind getting a little wet do you?" This was the critical point, and encouraged by a hug she watched, and commented as she gradually watched the rise of the  waterline. on her clothing.  Conversation and hugging were usually part of this scenario, "just a little deeper now" which was much pleasure to me, As an active wetlook advocate, my personal reactions of course increased as she went in abover her thighs, and prompting comments  like "my underwear is all wet now!" (with my usual response --"not all, not yet" ). This got a giggle. It was important for me to keep my personal wetlook reactions to myself. I was not out to establish a wetlook convert -- yet,


As I said before, when she reached waist deep, there was usually a significant embrace  I would pronounce "Now your underwear is all wet, and you may consider youself fully wet!"  Her response was enthusiatic, and followed by "This is fun" or  "i don't mind getting wet," or something similar. From this point on, full immersion, splashing and similar took place. Y'know, there is no point in frurther explanation!


It would be great to have photos of such a scenario. They are thinly available on the commercial photo sites. But I did not bring a third person as photographer, and neither, probably do you.


If it can be recorded fine...we shall all appreciate it.


So that's my story, and I'm sticking with it!




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