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Message # 44892

Subject: Question What's with the Tagstube?? Can someone explain?

Date: Thu 24/06/10 06:55:53 GMT

Name: Phoenix eu



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I asked this question before, but got no answer, so I ask again - hope Nigel doesn't get mad. I just don't understand while almost all links to youtubes are given via "tagstube.com" lately. It seems a dubious site, with no info what so ever who it belongs to and a shocking amount of ads. And also it is often down. Does it pay money for linking to it or what? As it makes no sense to link videos from a normal trustworthy site through such a strange gateway. Is it the "linkbee" idea over again? If so, it should be banned as linkbee was. And the biggest question of all is... is this thing even safe. It looks veeeery unprofessional. So, all in all, can someone (especially people linking to it) explain this new phenomenon?

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