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Message # 44810.1.1

Subject: Idea Re:John please DO NOT post your advert every day!!!

Date: Fri 18/06/10 22:01:43 GMT

Name: Absolutely Soaked us

Email: absoaked@yahoo.com


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It's perfectly understandable that you are frustrated by the negative responses to your posts.  However, there have also been several constructive criticisms as well.  If you were to heed some of that constructive criticism, you would likely see much less along the way of negative response.  I certainly don't want to speak for Nigel, but I strongly suspect the forum reply function will not be altered.  But that doesn't mean there's nothing you can do.  You can certainly open your own forum that blocks replies.  If your way is the better way, people will gravitate to it.  Then you'll have your own place to post whatever you want without the fear of replies you disagree with.  
In reply to Message (44810.1) Read This Re:John please DO NOT post your advert every day!!!

By John - us Fri 18/06/10 20:57:52 GMT

Website: http://www.thejeanpool.com/

I'm not going to post it every day, but please don't delete the new one I posted today.   I'm tired of the attacks that happen every single time I post anything on this forum.   

That's what I hate about the internet: everybody with an asshole can post their stupid opinions as if anyone cared.


Did Nigel get my request or not?   I'm asking for the ability to post and disallow replies, or if I allow replies, to delete the mean and nasty ones.

In reply to Message (44810) Warning! John please DO NOT post your advert every day!!!

By leonmoomin - leonmoomin@ntlworld.com wx Fri 18/06/10 20:37:18 GMT


It has been advertised many times before, if there is updates to the product please advertise it, once every month or every six months.


I understand that you are of the opinion that you are selling a product that you consider to be good value, however, you should not react in such ways to people who do not share your opinion.

You have made posts to a public forum where people have every right to provide an opinion on what you are attempting to supply to them.  We are all just as vulnerable as you are and we can all get some bad feedback, calling people names does not help your cause!


Unless you have a substntial update to the content of your CD/DVD, please do not post it again.  At least not for another six months, or accept the feedback you get.


Your competitors would not take the time to attack you as really there would be no point, however, your threat to post the same thing every day is a threat to spam this forum, that is something that is not allowed!



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